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Is “Blurred Lines” Hurting Songwriting?

Is “Blurred Lines” Hurting Songwriting?

And What Should We Do About It? Ever since the shocking “Blurred Lines” jury verdict, there has been a steady drum beat about how that case, and some subsequent music-and-copyright cases, has chilled songwriting. Since “Blurred Lines,” the same U.S. District Court has...

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A Look Toward the 2020 Privacy Landscape

A Look Toward the 2020 Privacy Landscape

2019 will be remembered as the year we still tried to figure out how to get the GDPR right, we spent time trying to understanding what “sale” will mean under CCPA, and we went through about two data breaches a day. Will next year be more of the same? The CCPA will...

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You Should Hate Hate Hate This Swift Decision

You Should Hate Hate Hate This Swift Decision

Maybe Don’t Calm Down This Time When it comes these high-profile music-and-copyright cases, my usual advice has been for everyone to calm down. In the “Blurred Lines” case, I explained that the facts were highly unusual, especially Robin Thicke’s admission that he and...

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