Tara Aaron has been appointed to a five year term on the Board of Directors of the Copyright Society of the South. Tara has been an active member of the Society and the current members felt that her dedication to and knowledge about copyright would be of great value to the organization. Tara enthusiastically accepted the nomination and is looking forward to a productive and educational term with a board full of smart and savvy members of the copyright industry in Nashville.

Pictured (top row, L-R): Kele Currier (ASCAP), Shawn Yeager, Mike Fabio, Heather McBee, Wayne Leeloy, John Pisciotta, Karl Braun (Hall, Booth, Smith). Pictured (bottom row, L-R): Kent Draughon (Capitol CMG), Ted Goldthorpe (Sony/ATV), Tara Aaron (Aaron | Sanders PLLC), Jill Napier (Music Pub Works)
About the Copyright Society of the South
The Copyright Society of the South was formed in 1988, in Nashville, Tennessee, consisting of music publishers, attorneys, business people and academians interested in the field of copyright law. Its mission is to provide a forum for study and discussion of domestic and international copyright law and other matters pertaining to the entertainment industry. It provides seminars, speakers, presentations, and the opportunity to present various points of view on subjects of interest to the membership. The Society refrains from taking a lobbying role or endorsing or sponsoring political positions or candidates